Immortal Souls – The Immortal Souls – Magic & Chaos – Book 1
I have uploaded a pdf version of the book for people to read if they want. This book is available to download for free many places… Smashwords, iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble… I figured it should be available for free here too.
So for anyone who doesn’t want to have to sign up to any of the above websites in order to download it for free, click the link below to open the pdf and feel free to save a copy for offline reading. =)
PS: the current download link is for the most up to date version of the book, uploaded on 26/09/2016 – This is the complete 2nd Edition of the book.
Immortal Souls: The Immortal Souls, Magic & Chaos #1.pdf (620 downloads)
Some final words…
As this book is self published and I lack the advertising and marketing budget of more traditionally published books, my main form of advertising comes from you guys (the readers).
So please, if you liked, loved, hated, despised or felt/thought anything about this book at all, leave me a review and let me and others know what you thought: